Each of us has our own story. I thought I’d share a little of mine with you.
I never gave horses much thought. I was intimidated by their size, until we decided to try equine therapy.

After struggling in public school, our daughter was diagnosed with high functioning autism.
Expected to function in an incompatible environment, she was vulnerable to doubt and her self esteem was damaged.
With determination and trying new forms of therapy, there’s been a lot of improvement.
Two changes have brought reasons to celebrate. One was deciding to homeschool, and the other has been horse therapy.
Watching my daughter work with a horse like Cortez to trust and read each other is one of the most beautiful forms of therapy.
Many of the horses at the farm have been abused or abandoned, making the therapy equally beneficial to the horses.

(The first day I met Cortez, I could barely control the pools of tears in my eyes! He’s beautiful, trusting, and seems to understand when someone is hurting-including moms!)
Our daughter’s emotional bumps and bruises are fading as she builds trust in her ability to lead with healthy boundaries.
[bctt tweet=”We’re all on a journey, and healing comes in all forms and for all reasons. ” username=”jewelrynavig8r”]
I feel blessed that our path has been crossed by sweet souls that lighten the weight of being human.
We’ve been working with Steadfast Trail-Equine Ministry and Life on the Farm, a non-profit organization in our little farm region of Virginia.
I’ll be back with jewelry to accompany this story.
Are you a jeweler or designer? I’m looking to collaborate with jewelry for contributions to Steadfast Farm.
Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.