Jewelry for the Dog Days of Summer
I’m returning after a summer hiatus, and can’t wait to share what we’ve found-new designs, talent, and treasures!
It’s been a wonderful summer, and as the heat lingers, I’ll share their dog days with you, along with jewelry that honors our canine companions.
Gemstone Profiles
For August babies, spinel has been added as an alternative birthstone gem to peridot.
Peridot is a cheerful bright lemony-lime color.
Spinel comes in a huge variety of colors, and offers a welcomed selection of alternatives.
Its name doesn’t conjure much, but they’re stunning gems!
Eclipse Jewelry
Are you ready?!
It’s been almost 40 years since the last solar eclipse visible in the contiguous United States.
To celebrate, I have stellar jewelry and gems to show you!
Can’t wait!
I’ll be back soon!
Jewelry Navigator
Your guide to exceptional jewelry, created by indie jewelers and designers.